Well-Known Member
I wanted to get the word out about Prior Brake produsts. I put disk brakes on my 66 belverdere and needed a brake booster. I wanted a factory looking booster which for 67-70 disk brake would have been the Bendix Dual Diaphragm Power Brake Booster. The booster for a B body is real hard to find and very expensive. I found one from a c body for $100 which is a little easier to find. The push rod on the B body is shorter but otherwise is the same. I sent it to Prior Brake produsts in Dallas. They called me and I told them what I needed and they understood the rod being different lenths. They rebuilt it and sent it back in one week. I installed it last night. They changed the rod to the correct length for a b body.They charged $110 plus shipping which was another $15. I wanted to pass the word around about what a great job they did.