Congrats Bob!
You'll have to take back all those things you said to me about SUPERSTOCKRACER.
Nope, I won't.
He is still a F*&%$ING A$$ h*&#.
But a nice enough guy.
YIKES!! This could get exciting. Is there property available in N.J. Things are slow in Iowa now. Or will this all be televised. Dave
This is totally uncalled for AS I have taken a bullet for you on Tuesday!
I hope you get banned for this disturbing post. I am truly heartbroken. But carry on.
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Trust me, you don't want to live in NY, or NJ. The taxes will choke you to death and healthcare prices combined.
I didn't say that. My account was hacked by a guy with a bag on his head.
I didn't say that. My account was hacked by a guy with a bag on his head.
Or rotten teeth.
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It's going to be very interesting come Saturday night or Sunday to see if things change around here from the......
From the what???? You've peaked my interest!
Yes, I'm moving to FABO. Goodbye.