Door and valance/It's Miller (welder) Time!
You can see we replaced both doors also. Notice how uneven the leading edge is on the passenger door top. The driver's door and fender had an excellent fit at the top, but was angled wrong at the lower front edge. The cure for both was to grind away slightly beyond an even fit, then build with weld to rejoin the layers and get a correct gap. The welds were shaped with a small grinder afterward and required just a thin coat of filler to fill any grinder marks.
The lower fender fronts were another issue. This is not the first Charger I've had this problem, and it's not the valance, but the fender that is the problem. I've put these valances against factory fenders and had pretty good results. The fix involved making some slight pie cuts in the flange of the fender and rolling the lower edge upward to close the gaps. Once welded, everything was fine. This can be done without the need for filler most of the time.
Next I'll post pictures of how we blast every weld that we do. It's not just rust and paint we remove, but all traces of weld contamination. Putting primer or filler over those black weld edges, rainbow colored heated metal or tiny rust specks will only lead to problems later on, so eliminate all of it now. Then all bare, clean steel is sprayed with epoxy primer. After that has had a few days to cure, we sand the epoxy enough to give adhesion for the filler.