I raised the front of the car again, started the engine. Now I had pressure!
Bleeding the system 10 times right/left slowly then 10 times really fast....checking the oil my heart sank a bit when I saw all the bubbles...remembering that post about red-line oil foaming....
....though I had gone quite aggressive on bleeding the system, so this could just be all the bubbles leaving the oil?
Yep, after some hard driving (As hard as I could on now icy roads) checking the oil again and it was smooth and clear.
And yes! This is the result I was after...and really happy to achieve it after all this work:
- No center slop, smooth steering. fast turning, full assist at idling in gear at 650 RPM and I regained full trust in controlling the car again, no wandering.
The box is dead quiet, it whines when reaching the stops but that is as it should be.
Together with my wheel alignment I can let go of the wheel in a hard turn and the steering wheel returns lightning fast back to center.
The result is awesome.
Im planning to tweak it a bit further as the steering is now between a FFst3 and original, so a bit on the light side.
But this is where the shims come in, correct? Adding some shims would make the steering a bit heavier.