Tried to mount the Borgeson Steering Box yet again, today.. I finally managed to get f-ing box mounted to the K-Frame with the three bolts!!!!!!
To make a long story short, I discovered that last weekend, I was starting to cross thread that single mounting bolt along side the inner fender. That is why I did not force it in last weekend. When lying under the car it is tough to gauge the vertical angle of entry of that bolt in particular. My second attempt today, got it threaded at the correct angle, then I was able to screw it all the way in by hand. So I did not have to enlarge any of the mounting holes on the gearbox.
I had to install a 1/16" thick shim with a U opening behind that mounting ear on the inner fender side. Got all three bolts screwed down in place with lock washers. Just to where they were beginning to fit snug. Stuck the Bergman coupler on the input shaft to test fit. I thought, well, I'm on my way to actually making progress with this monumental task..
Hmm, I thought, I should probably move the exhaust header into place and mount it on my studs for test fitting. Next came what I consider to be the most EPIC FAIL of this whole gearbox fiasco...
The f-ing lead header pipe WILL NOT clear the Borgeson Steering Box!! It is impossible for me to bolt my header to the engine head, with the Borgeson box bolted to the K-Frame. The lead header pipe and that damn steering box are trying to occupy the same physical space. The same header pipe that actually clears the BIG, HUGE, BULKY stock gearbox, will NOT clear the smaller and lighter Borgeson box. There was a dent put in the lead pipe to make it clear the stock gearbox. Even with the dent, there is no f-ing way it is going to clear the Borgeson box. I'd have to dent the pipe so deeply I'd be blocking off more than 50% of the pipe airflow, maybe even as much as 80%!! I'd have to mangle the pipe instead of the small dent that's in it now. Un-F-ing Believable!!!
I stared at the header and the box, and thought is this really happening or am I having some kind of a terrible nightmare... Maybe this is a just a bad dream.. And I didn't really buy this Borgeson box.. The laughable thing is I foolishly thought the smaller Borgeson box would give me MORE header clearance than I had with the stock box. Absolutely not..
So I have one of three choices to now make:
1) Have my stock gearbox rebuilt, and try to return the Borgeson box and everything I bought with it.
2) Buy a new set of Headers that have a driver side lead pipe that comes NOWHERE near the Borgeson gearbox. So it is as far away from that damn thing as possible. A lead pipe that goes straight back and doesn't angle downward at all.
3) **** the headers, and put the stock High Performance Exhaust Manifolds on the heads that were included with the extra parts when I bought the car.
Option 2 & 3 will require having a muffler shop fabricate and install new pipes from headers or manifolds back to the mufflers. I'll be updating my Borgeson install thread in the Bergman vendor section with the latest photos from the day.