@Dan Brewer ...
I will admit at one point when I was looking for a transmission alone, Dan told me quite directly that he had none to spare, two months backed up - and the ones he did have were bespoke to being used in the complete kits they sell.
He's already explained why here in his posts - but there's more to the story, too - and when he told me why that was, I had even more respect for the man than I did before:
Now, this was a couple years back mind you, but some of you may remember all the hassle I got into with Dan's direct competitor in the 4-speed biz (and you know who that is).
I had reluctantly gone ahead and bought a transmission in a crate from them after Dan had turned me down (well honestly, he didn't - I just didn't want to wait 2 months).
As you may recall, I took the "other" transmission directly in the crate to a local mechanic, who agreed to the job only if I did it WITH him, since he didn't know old Mopars and would need some guidance.
I agreed readily, since to be honest, all I wanted out of him was his lift anyways.
We go through the process of the swap pretty quickly and it comes time to test drive - and the thing makes such a RACKET in 1st or 2nd at any speed above 0 that I know right away, something is REALLY wrong and limp it back to the shop.
It was then that I discovered that JP, also covered up as much as Brewer's was, had decided to perhaps hire additional help that may or may not have needed to be rebuilding transmissions - and without a QC process in place, "rebuilt" units like the one I got went out the door quite frankly messed up.
Dan was bluntly honest about that very same subject when I had asked him the rather ingnorant question of why they simply didn't hire more help - Dan, being the wise veteran of some integrity that he is, told me straight up that quality control would necessarily suffer and they simply were not willing to go that route simply to pad sales numbers - Dan and Wayne still insist on doing the work themselves in order to control what goes out the door, which of course limits volume.
Integrity in business these days is getting more rare by the day and is to be applauded and supported.
Integrity in our own hobby even more so!
It's why I am such a big fan of Brewer's - and not of the other guy.
Lesson learned.