Not trying to start yet another pissing contest

but the Lingenfelter alum. bracket aren't very expensive
IIRC I paid like $50 a couple years ago, pretty cheap/reasonable at the time
The guy didn't want his Org. bracket modified either,
just incase he was gonna' go back to stock, he wouldn't have to buy someone else's old junk
I bought them pretty early on, he was 1st doing them
I've made several set too, of my own style
in various styles & different materials
But at the time, when I purchased his,
I wanted something now,
I didn't want to wait, more important a paying buddy, didn't want to wait
& it would have took me off other things, more important things,
just to spend days on/or to make some simple bumper brackets...
I had a buddy that was really anxious to get his car, my time is worth far more than $50
I wanted to get my $$$ too, I didn't have any issue buying them...
IMO they are extremely light weight too, very well made/clean streamlined
BUT; maybe too light if you plan on street use
especially with a "light race-weight" fiberglass bumpers & light brakets
But when building a racecar, every little bit helps, even if it's only a couple pounds
"here & there", it makes a difference, it's all about HP to weight ratios...
But they are pretty simple to make too,
can easily be duplicated that style of brackets
I'm certainly a true racer since 1974, 25+ races a year for 35+ years, a real Hot Rodder,
a hands on type of guy, not just some "purchaser" or some check book builder,
time is a constraint/factor in some cases, don't be so judgmental
{I'm certainly not defending that Fiberglass guy, who recommended them either,
I was told about them by @bobtile here on FBBO, he had them on his GTX,
I figured that'd be easy & WTF, why not, saved me a few days, save my buddy some $$$ labor &
$$$ material expenses too}
I think I know how to build a car, sometimes it's just a bail out too,
I've done some 28 racecars from the ground up now, over some 40+ years, doing it...
At least "Dozens" more help buddies build theirs too...