There's a new write up about Departure of Al-Anabi, USA racing assets
Qatar Sponsored/Marketing/racing teams effected
& all the employees of Professional race teams out of a job now,
that Qatar is an USA ally & we have a USAF base there in the capitol city Doha,
that most of the income albeit some from family oil, most is from natural gas & not oil,
It's in Dragzine today's news letter...
Some of the comments, they received allegedly about that 1st article,
weren't very well thought out or nice...
Outright bigoted, prejudice, people that only see their own bad side,
that didn't take into account all the $$$ that was infused into the NHRA IHRA etc.
All the US workers/employed by, associated or behind the scenes, in fab shops, home garages
& at the tracks, the crew crew-chiefs, drivers, truck drivers, cooks, hospitality staff,
Tee shirts sales, photographers, companies who sold parts etc. to them or all other support staff,
managers, janitors etc., all their families, wives & children that are also all effected,
by this departure of Al-Anabi/Qatar in all USA racing interests...
I read it today & didn't save the link unfortunately,
but maybe go to it was a feature story, might find it there...
IMHFO it's sad & as much as I didn't or don't like the assoc., made me cringe a little...
I'm sympathetic to the multitudes of guys/gals/numerous employees that depended on that income/sponsorship $$$...
Maybe it could be in the 100's maybe even a 1000, if you account for all of them, top to bottom
who now have lost their great paying & fun jobs &/or are stuck in the middle...
It's sad really, the NHRA may never really recover from,
it's really bad marketing/attendances, especially the lousy TV coverage...
It's overpriced tickets/seating & always adding extra SFI regs for safety issues &/or financial wows,
rules to slow certain teams down, but then award others...
But it's still the individuals/little guys, that will ultimately suffer...
This is just another nail in the coffin of a sport that I truly love,
I once towed all over the country, some 14 straight years, been involved some 40 years,
one way or other, to support & enjoy my love of Drag Racing too...
Sad to see it go down in flames, partially because of perception, lack of real purse money either
& possibly some greed I'm sure too...
Seems the knee jerk reaction & shortening the tracks to 1000ft era of Fuel classes,
probably didn't help much with the Drag Racing purists either, less of a show, more $$$ to watch,
more to participate too, I guess it's an end of an era, I hope it/NHRA survives...
Allot of big name long time sponsors, are pulling out,
going to other forms of racing or just quiting funding all together...
Peace out, just thought I'd share...