I bet they wish they had air brakes.
When I was flying in the Navy here in Jacksonville in the early 1980s, there was an x-rated drive-in theater a few miles from the base that we would fly over when we were doing bounce flights, which are flights that we do nothing but take off, fly in a circle back to the base, land, and take off again for five hours.
During night bounce flights, we would take off, go at full power until we could see the movie screens at the Playtime drive-in, then slow down, lower the flaps, and go as slow as we could so we could check out the movies that were showing. Once we couldn't see the screens anymore we would raise the flaps, hit the gas, and speed up to get ready to land and takeoff again so we could get back to the action.
We also had a direction finding system that allowed us to tune into AM stations, and on good nights we could dial the ADF into the frequency used by the theater to broadcast the movie audio to the cars. It was a very low-power signal, but it made the movies more enjoyable when we could pick it up.
Ah, the good old days of naval aviation.
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and Russia..while they have attractive girls..I am not certain how many Starlifter III's are flying in and out..
It wouldn't matter if they did. Who needs to see a pic of a babe in heavy winter garb watching a C-17 blow into Moscow?