If you compare the Mopar Purple Shaft 292 duration, 0.509" lift, 108 LSA, that cam has 76 degrees of overlap.
That cam was designed for bracket racing with headers and open exhaust. Rough idle, and usually higher RPM idle, and requiring higher stall converter and gearing.
The Factory 375 HP Magnum cam is 268/284 duration, 0.450"/0.458" lift with a wide 115 LSA, so it only has 46 degrees of overlap.
Being the factory production cam, smoother idle at lower RPM, more low end power, stock gearing (usually 3.23:1), and stock torque converter.
To a degree, you can tune the idle sound and RPM a bit with different amounts of ignition advance at idle, and the idle air/fuel mixture.
Most of the performance cams for what your looking at are going to have "advertised", that look closer to the stock cam, but with lift almost as much as the larger cam, and usually a 110 LSA and split duration with more exhaust duration for use with headers and full exhaust system.
The part that is hard to compare is the cams rate-of-lift. Although the Comp XE268 or Launiti Voodoo 268 cam may have "advertised" intake duration the same as the stock magnum cam, they also lift the valve faster and higher, so there is much more area under the lift curve. The 110 LSA also adds overlap, so these cams have a wide power band. Idle is pretty good with these too.
The Comp XE268 cam would have 54 degrees overlap using the "advertised" specs, and 52 degrees overlap for the Voodoo 268 cam.
On a first look, The Comp cam looks a bit larger than the Voodoo Cam, but the Voodoo cam is actually slightly larger at the 0.050" duration (and above) and the lift is also a bit higher. The Voodoo cam also has almost as much valve lift as the Mopar 0.509" cam with 0.494" intake valve lift, and the Voodoo Exhaust has more lift at 0.513" of lift.
So would the Voodoo cam make as much power as the Mopar 0.509" cam? That depends at the RPM you compare the two cams.
The Voodoo cam would make more low end torque/power up to some RPM where the larger cam would most likely make more peak power.
The next question is which cam makes the car faster? That depends alot on the gearing and converter stall speed.
With a stock converter and gearing the Voodoo cam will leave and accelerate harder from a dead stop. The Big Mopar cam would be slower off the line and maybe up to around 3,000+ RPM, but once the engine is in its operating range somewhere over 3,000 RPM it should out accelerate the voodoo cam. Now using a high stall converter and more gear, the larger cam should be quicker because it will spin up to its power band faster. On the other hand the Voodoo cam would be easier to live with in street driving, smoother idle and such.
On the valve train, the Mopar 0.509 cam is actually pretty easy on the valve springs, it has much more time/duration to open and close the valves. The Voodoo cam is opening the valves nearly as much as the Mopar cam, but in much less duration/time so the valve train is under a higher rate of acceleration, so it is more critical to have the correctly matched valve springs.