Really bad on them. They should have made better choices. They knew the rules. My guess is that they didn't pay for their own education. And they really didn't want a job. Just sayin'.I used to teach at a technical college, and 90% of the degrees we taught required a drug test to get a job. I saw firsthand several really good kids that got turned down for a job because of a bad drug test. Really bad after they just spent a lot of money getting an education.
Getting in on the ground floor and selling out to others was an easy opportunity with little work.used to be in michigan, the big boys from california and colorado came in an stream lined the process put the little guys out of buisiness, capitalism at its finest. know several who lost a lot of investment, they were too directly involved. the product is super cheap here now, its a war to put each other out of business. its who has the deepest pockets
But yet our doctor's can get drunk as monkeys and operate the next day. I'm not saying anymore than that. If you knew how many people and who they are that smoke it everyday you wouldn't believe it.I am an open-minded person grew up in the 60's lots of marijuana around. Don't get me wrong I have had friends that drank themselves to death, and I have friends that fried their brains on dope as well. Both can be abused with bad consequences.
My main issue with legal marijuana is that many vocations still require a drug test to keep a job, and marijuana stays in your system a lot longer than alcohol. So, unless they change some laws or come up with some new tests you are creating a new class of people who cannot hold a job anymore. I used to teach at a technical college, and 90% of the degrees we taught required a drug test to get a job. I saw firsthand several really good kids that got turned down for a job because of a bad drug test. Really bad after they just spent a lot of money getting an education.
I got into all of this when a friend in Massachusetts couldn't get help for his daughter who was having DOZENS of debilitating seizures a day. She now is on legal CHARLOTTE’S WEB and is now down to at least be able to function. It was about Charlotte Figi who brought this to the for front. It's not all bad.I copied this from a past thread, here.
Post number 82.
There is more information to read as well.
This is some of my experience in this field.
I've grown weed for about 23 years. Had up to about 1800 plants 3 years ago and since when it was legalized in Colorado. Weed is one of my hobbies.
The legalization changed my entire view of the product.
I started to take care of people with it. Not just sell it for smokers.
My first patient was a very young boy who would have about 30 seizures a day. His family up and moved to Colorado in 2014 when it was legalized. I make a tincture for the child that changed his seizure amount from 30 a day to a typical of 2 seizures a day. no high, no side effects.
Now any of you who have children, tell me that you would not want your child to use this substance if they were seizing 30 times a day.
This families life was changed in a major way.
Aside from that, I take care of a fire chief, who through many years of fire fighting has damaged his feet and can't stand for more than 2 hours a day. I convinced him to try some thc oil on his feet and he can now stand for 10 plus hours a day and continue to protect his community. He is an emt when he is not fire fighting. He now can sleep 4-5 hours a night as well. His many experiences have taken a toll on his sleep ability. He doesn't get high from the oil rubbed on his feet.
I take care of a doctor who also can not stand for more than a few hours. If he did not use my oil he would be unavailable for his community. He was totally against the substance until I convinced him to just try it once. Changed his life. Doesn't get high. Can now sleep as well.
Another client had prostate cancer and survived the chemo even though the docs gave him a very low percentage rate to survive. He has some pain behind his balls that makes his life very uncomfortable and the docs just want to give him pharmaceuticals , all of which have horrible side effects and addiction problems. He rubs a little oil behind his balls and the pain goes away enough to make it tolerable. Again, no high. Military man, doesn't want to get high. Changed his whole way of thinking when considering the doctors just want you on their drugs, paying their bills for the rest of your life.
There is an elderly lady, 80 now I believe, Insomniac. Can't sleep for years and years. Played hell on her mental health. I had her try one puff of vapor before bed and she can now sleep every night for 6 plus hours. Her mental health issues have pretty much all gone away. All she does is one or two hits of vapor and she can sleep every night. Changed her life and her family is very appreciative.
A good friend of mine, Accountant, Numbers guy. Insomniac. Can't sleep for years and years as well. Wakes up every night with numbers in his head. I convinced him to try the weed, just a hit or two, no more. He now can sleep 8 hours a night. He lost 80 pounds and can now focus on his job for more than 12 hours a day. Before weed he couldn't focus at his accountant job for more than 4 hours a day. He has now banked a bunch of money as he can work 3 times as much and sleeps every night. Changed his life as well as his families life.
My experience with helping people with their issues goes on and on and on.
I don't smoke often as it is a carcinogen. I do use the oil for arthritis and any pains I might get as I general/build large custom homes in the mountains.
When this was made legal in this state, every cried about how people would be driving while high and killing everyone. Simply put, doesn't happen. Sure, a few things here and there but we have far more deaths from Alcohol and driving.
Average 3000 deaths a year in Colorado from Alcohol. 300 of which are drinking and driving.
130 deaths in a year from people who "tested positive" to marijuana. A person tests positive to marijuana for something like 30 days while the actual effects last somewhere around 4 to 8 hours. Very little consistent proof that those 130 incidents were actually caused by someone smoking a joint while driving. Somewhere around 4% increase in traffic deaths due to marijuana.
One thing that has happened in Colorado is the Cartel's have lost their hold on that part of society. As you are all aware, the cartels are smuggling fentynal for your children and loved ones. As well as meth, cocaine and heroin. But fentynal is what they really want us to die from. Thanks China.
The schools in the state have collected millions in revenue due to legalized marijuana. Unfortunately the schools are nefarious in nature and are teaching kids the wrong things, especially in this now liberal state.
The lord does say to not use substances that damage your body as it is his temple and it must be clean and holy. However he has stated that we can use the plants of this earth for our purposes.
Smoking it would be against the lords word. However, using it in other ways that have no carcinogenic effects is not against what the lord has said.
The lord Jesus Christ drank wine as that was what was available at the time as water was often times tainted whereas wine would last in times of hardship. However, I get a buzz off of any drink that ever touches my lips. It would have been the same for our ancestors.
As to the potency of the marijuana, I disagree. I have grown land race strains that still have just as good of a high as any of the new strains that are out there. All that has happened is people have figured out how to increase the trichromes that get you high in the weed. Just more of the trichromes. The drug hasn't changed. The plants have only barely changed as they have been hybridized. Very little change. It's basically like growing roses and making your flowers grow more flowers and bigger flowers each season.
The THC oils that hippies used to smoke is the same concentrate as the oils of today. No difference. Same concentration of the same trichromes.
The product is addictive in that it is habit forming. However, a person's resistance to marijuana goes up very quickly and a human does not have the same effects as when they only smoke it once a month or so. So chronic smokers are doing it from habit.
Alcohol is similar to that, but alcohol does entirely different things to your body than MJ. the resistance is totally different. A person with a 12 pack of beer they drink every night should not be driving at all. Drinking and driving kills people. I can't say the same for smoking and driving. All from experience's over 30 years.
Everyone has a different reaction to the drug, just like most drugs.
I build homes and in the construction industry there are a lot of users of many different substances.
Marijuana is the one thing that most construction workers handle just fine. You come on the job drunk and it is usually quite obvious and you will be removed. Hard drugs are manageable and difficult to detect but usually they show their foolishness in short order. I've had lots of injuries of people over the years and none were because of smoking a joint.
Most of the nay sayers keep supporting tobacco and alcohol but have very little idea of how different marijuana is from those substances.
Someone show me how many people die from being chronic weed smokers? With proof? Got any?
I can show you how many tens of thousands of people die from tobacco use every single year.
same for alcohol. 100's of thousands in our country alone.
I have had many people in my own family die of tobacco and alcohol use and abuse. ZERO have died due to their abuse of marijuana.
Prove me wrong, please.
First I think a lot more research needs to be done to identify the good in using products derived from marijuana. Second I had a high school classmate that died from throat cancer, he smoked a lot of weed, no tobacco. Putting fire in your mouth was something that always just did not seem right to me so I never smoked anything. I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and am currently thinking about maybe trying some gummies, however, My issue is that my type of arthritis is affecting my lungs more than my joints, so smoking would be a no no.I copied this from a past thread, here.
Post number 82.
There is more information to read as well.
This is some of my experience in this field.
I've grown weed for about 23 years. Had up to about 1800 plants 3 years ago and since when it was legalized in Colorado. Weed is one of my hobbies.
The legalization changed my entire view of the product.
I started to take care of people with it. Not just sell it for smokers.
My first patient was a very young boy who would have about 30 seizures a day. His family up and moved to Colorado in 2014 when it was legalized. I make a tincture for the child that changed his seizure amount from 30 a day to a typical of 2 seizures a day. no high, no side effects.
Now any of you who have children, tell me that you would not want your child to use this substance if they were seizing 30 times a day.
This families life was changed in a major way.
Aside from that, I take care of a fire chief, who through many years of fire fighting has damaged his feet and can't stand for more than 2 hours a day. I convinced him to try some thc oil on his feet and he can now stand for 10 plus hours a day and continue to protect his community. He is an emt when he is not fire fighting. He now can sleep 4-5 hours a night as well. His many experiences have taken a toll on his sleep ability. He doesn't get high from the oil rubbed on his feet.
I take care of a doctor who also can not stand for more than a few hours. If he did not use my oil he would be unavailable for his community. He was totally against the substance until I convinced him to just try it once. Changed his life. Doesn't get high. Can now sleep as well.
Another client had prostate cancer and survived the chemo even though the docs gave him a very low percentage rate to survive. He has some pain behind his balls that makes his life very uncomfortable and the docs just want to give him pharmaceuticals , all of which have horrible side effects and addiction problems. He rubs a little oil behind his balls and the pain goes away enough to make it tolerable. Again, no high. Military man, doesn't want to get high. Changed his whole way of thinking when considering the doctors just want you on their drugs, paying their bills for the rest of your life.
There is an elderly lady, 80 now I believe, Insomniac. Can't sleep for years and years. Played hell on her mental health. I had her try one puff of vapor before bed and she can now sleep every night for 6 plus hours. Her mental health issues have pretty much all gone away. All she does is one or two hits of vapor and she can sleep every night. Changed her life and her family is very appreciative.
A good friend of mine, Accountant, Numbers guy. Insomniac. Can't sleep for years and years as well. Wakes up every night with numbers in his head. I convinced him to try the weed, just a hit or two, no more. He now can sleep 8 hours a night. He lost 80 pounds and can now focus on his job for more than 12 hours a day. Before weed he couldn't focus at his accountant job for more than 4 hours a day. He has now banked a bunch of money as he can work 3 times as much and sleeps every night. Changed his life as well as his families life.
My experience with helping people with their issues goes on and on and on.
I don't smoke often as it is a carcinogen. I do use the oil for arthritis and any pains I might get as I general/build large custom homes in the mountains.
When this was made legal in this state, every cried about how people would be driving while high and killing everyone. Simply put, doesn't happen. Sure, a few things here and there but we have far more deaths from Alcohol and driving.
Average 3000 deaths a year in Colorado from Alcohol. 300 of which are drinking and driving.
130 deaths in a year from people who "tested positive" to marijuana. A person tests positive to marijuana for something like 30 days while the actual effects last somewhere around 4 to 8 hours. Very little consistent proof that those 130 incidents were actually caused by someone smoking a joint while driving. Somewhere around 4% increase in traffic deaths due to marijuana.
One thing that has happened in Colorado is the Cartel's have lost their hold on that part of society. As you are all aware, the cartels are smuggling fentynal for your children and loved ones. As well as meth, cocaine and heroin. But fentynal is what they really want us to die from. Thanks China.
The schools in the state have collected millions in revenue due to legalized marijuana. Unfortunately the schools are nefarious in nature and are teaching kids the wrong things, especially in this now liberal state.
The lord does say to not use substances that damage your body as it is his temple and it must be clean and holy. However he has stated that we can use the plants of this earth for our purposes.
Smoking it would be against the lords word. However, using it in other ways that have no carcinogenic effects is not against what the lord has said.
The lord Jesus Christ drank wine as that was what was available at the time as water was often times tainted whereas wine would last in times of hardship. However, I get a buzz off of any drink that ever touches my lips. It would have been the same for our ancestors.
As to the potency of the marijuana, I disagree. I have grown land race strains that still have just as good of a high as any of the new strains that are out there. All that has happened is people have figured out how to increase the trichromes that get you high in the weed. Just more of the trichromes. The drug hasn't changed. The plants have only barely changed as they have been hybridized. Very little change. It's basically like growing roses and making your flowers grow more flowers and bigger flowers each season.
The THC oils that hippies used to smoke is the same concentrate as the oils of today. No difference. Same concentration of the same trichromes.
The product is addictive in that it is habit forming. However, a person's resistance to marijuana goes up very quickly and a human does not have the same effects as when they only smoke it once a month or so. So chronic smokers are doing it from habit.
Alcohol is similar to that, but alcohol does entirely different things to your body than MJ. the resistance is totally different. A person with a 12 pack of beer they drink every night should not be driving at all. Drinking and driving kills people. I can't say the same for smoking and driving. All from experience's over 30 years.
Everyone has a different reaction to the drug, just like most drugs.
I build homes and in the construction industry there are a lot of users of many different substances.
Marijuana is the one thing that most construction workers handle just fine. You come on the job drunk and it is usually quite obvious and you will be removed. Hard drugs are manageable and difficult to detect but usually they show their foolishness in short order. I've had lots of injuries of people over the years and none were because of smoking a joint.
Most of the nay sayers keep supporting tobacco and alcohol but have very little idea of how different marijuana is from those substances.
Someone show me how many people die from being chronic weed smokers? With proof? Got any?
I can show you how many tens of thousands of people die from tobacco use every single year.
same for alcohol. 100's of thousands in our country alone.
I have had many people in my own family die of tobacco and alcohol use and abuse. ZERO have died due to their abuse of marijuana.
Prove me wrong, please.
I don't like arguing pros and cons, but I've been involved with this subject for many years. There are many things that claim ro help with the many problems that we all have seen or experienced as we age and many involve a scientific approach that is a made up concoction that is a chance at best. I do a dose of turmeric daily and my knees are much better. Is it the answer to all problems, I think not. Gummies can work but it doesn't rebuild your body not even God can do that.First I think a lot more research needs to be done to identify the good in using products derived from marijuana. Second I had a high school classmate that died from throat cancer, he smoked a lot of weed, no tobacco. Putting fire in your mouth was something that always just did not seem right to me so I never smoked anything. I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and am currently thinking about maybe trying some gummies, however, My issue is that my type of arthritis is affecting my lungs more than my joints, so smoking would be a no no.
Good for you!!Help my racing progr!m by supporting our small business:
The recreational vs. medicinal argument is a fine line. Some people need physical relief vs. mental. Being judgemental is pointless because you are just throwing stones from a glass house.
In ten years all of this shaming will go away. Out here people will look hard if you light off a Camel but not really much interest in somebody having a left handed cigarette.
It's also a pretty cool looking garden plant : D
That was some good cow ****Never say never. Oregon (and maybe some other states-I don't follow this closely) recently approved psilocybin mushrooms for medicinal use. When I was a youngster I'd pick them out of cow **** and end up on Jupiter or Mars.
I also paid my rent for a couple months in the fall by selling them. I was a true entremanure.