I do ALL my business on a card, there's nothing safer. The returns are great and easy using someone else money till the end of the month! It must be paid off at the end of the month. The last bank I did business with was bank of America, 10 years ago. They lied and said I lied, told them, on the spot to close all three of my accounts and get me the pay off on my house. A few minutes later the branch manager came out of his office and asked if there was ANYTHING he could do. I said, help them get the pay off on my house, like yesterday! The best part, a few days later I got the pay off and went to the person at the bank that said I had lied and handed her a check to pay off my house and I told her I didn't trust her and I would need a witness. All my money that isn't invested is now and will always be in a credit union only, non profit, kind and friendly. You don't have to kiss my ***, I worked for a living my whole life, but, don't ever tell me I lied about something to cover your own mistake.