A word on Eddy's tho, street cars need the insulator, or you've got the problem you described.
High lighted & underlined for those who missed it. Even the factory used a thick carb base gasket! For a reason! Add in todays bad gasoline and the problems come to light quicker and brighter.
65-440, Your cam doesn't seem to big, thou I do not know the duration @ .050 which would be a big help. Cam liftes can be altered a lot with rocker ratios, durations are only nudged by rocker ratios. Mostly to a non effecting degree. The Carter/Edelbrock, AFB & AVS carbs are stock and according to Edelbrock, theres have a slight mod to them. These OE carbs & replacement carbs from Edelbrock can and do perform well within certain perimeters. What people seem to forget and punish these carbs for is there stock carbs. A stock carb can only work so well with after market parts. They can only be pushed so far. They lack what (aftermarket) Holleys have and that would be nearly every part of the Holley is replaceable and adjustable to refit and calibrate. The OE Holleys are even more flexible than the Carters are. (Example, the 4160 that came on the 383 Road Runners.)
What bothers me is most people will just shout "Put a Holley on it, because the *** sucks!" Given that there are so many Holley's on the market, just what Holley are they talking about AND at what cost? And with that, there normally sending you to a carb at 2 to 3 times the cost of the standard replacement carb that would do the trick. Then they hide behind the statement, "But if you wanna go fast, you gotta pay!" For a street car, does it really matter that it is a tenth or 3 slower? Is spending THAT much money important to you to go fast in a untimed no money no trophy race? To me, many times, the expediter of funds on the high dollar holleys isn't and doesn't justify the gain. Remember, this is from a no money involved race stand point. If were ging to race for money, there wold be a world of different things going on.
A word on the TQ. There my favorite carb. IF, notice how that was in caps, "IF", you can find one in good shape of a early year, there a GREAT
"street, street /strip carb" that can be made to race, but, in all honesty, a Holley would be better. Tuning parts are also not at your local 7-11/coffee shop like a Holley is. And that can be a hige pain. AFB/AVS rods can be bent to work. Jets can be special order/made. All pricey! You run a TQ because you want to run a TQ. And yes, they also need the very thick gasket under them.
At the rebuild by a Pro price, you again, got to want to run a TQ. All but one of my TQ's have been picked up for under $50 local or under a $100 shipped to me and rebuilt by my hand for the cost of a rebuild kit and a few small brush tools. A carb cleaner can with cleaner did many carbs. Though the quality of that product has changed over the years.
So roughly for about $100 - $150, I have a big TQ running hard.