This is just plain bunk and for paranoia addicts:
"I just have this -awful- feeling that a FiTech would leave me stranded on the power tour or cruising the coast, it's another 'lets pray it doesn't fail item' as there are no local parts available to fix it on the side of the highway. If the quality-control was better, maybe I wouldn't worry so much, but from what I've seen on that group; they are no different to me than 440source at this point."
I would suppose if one owned a modern car they could pretty much say the same, but they don't. Where would you find a throttle body for a new car on demand. Most EFI's are made following OEM designs prior to multi-port injection. As a matter of fact, the injectors, TPS's,
IAC's and other components are OE aftermarket parts. Even O2 sensors are Bosch or Delphi.
I've installed and run MSD and FiTech on cars that register more than 13,000 a year without failure or so much as a hiccup. If anything would fail, it would probably be the fuel pump or one of those sad installations where, "when all else fails, read the manual". The EFI units today are pretty much "rock solid" regardless of brand but trying to teach a "carb" guy their function can be a formidable task. Some people just don't like change.