My vendor paperwork arrived yesterday. We will be downsizing by at least 60%, so will have extra spaces if anyone should want to sublease for the weekend. Does anybody know of any cars that were selected to be in buildings T or Y? By this time, those owners have been notified of the selection. I only know of one owner and he has pulled his car due to the restrictions and possible issues with the event. I looked at the Carlisle Events site to view the event guide, but could not find it. I guess that they are pushing the publication and printing back as late as possible to see what may happen.
The injunction has to be heard and a decision reached by the 29th of June by the court system as what I have read. So with those time frames, the Spring and Chrevolet events could go on as planned. From our view, the state is attempting to set a precedence so that other similar events cannot go out and schedule similar activities. If the courts should rule in favor of Carlisle Events, then other venues will be wanting to be open as well as outdoor sporting events, concerts, etc.
For what would have been most probably the largest Mopar / Carlisle event to ever happen, I am afraid that it will be far below expectations. With all of the unknowns, people will not drive three plus hours one way to find the gates locked. Almost all of the larger vendors have decided to skip the event this year.
All that we can do at this time is wait and see how things play out and hope that 2021 will make 2020 only a bad memory.