I like dogs but I prefer cats because they are lower maintenance. There are people out there who have been socialized to hate cats under the attitude that there is something effete and un-manly about cats (since they can’t be used for hunting or other manly activities) and therefore something un-manly and effete about owning a cat.
Some people believe that cats are unaffectionate, not loyal, aloof, and that they have a secretive “untrustworthy” quality. This is especially given as a contrast to dogs, the problem is with the people having unreasonable expectations of an animal. To hate a cat usually means you did not grow up with one and have never had one as a pet. So what have your interactions with other cats been? You go over to someone’s house, see a cat, and it ignores you. On the other hand your interactions with dogs have been with dogs that run up to every stranger and act excited to see them and love to be petted (like the dog in the Pixar movie “Up” that says “I just met you, and I LOVE you!”). So, they come to the conclusion “dogs like people, cats don’t.” But is this a reasonable judgement? Do you, as a human, run up to every other person you meet, and say “oh my god, oh my god, I’m so glad to meet you” and give them a huge hug?
He crapped in that box everyday till I put it in a bag and handed it to him. I told him one more time and I was going to crap on his front porch
At least cats bury their poop. My neighbors dog craps on my lawn and I step in it.
Meanwhile, everyone else seems to always need to "go home and let the dogs out"
Dogs are very needy, that,s why I prefer cats. Cat’s are affectionate if raised right but also don’t depend on you to be around 24/7
Experts say that cats kill between 1 to 4 billion birds every year, causing one-third of the 800 U.S. native bird species to be endangered or in significant decline.
Cats kill wildlife: True, but if this really bothered you, then why don’t you hate dogs for doing the same (don’t hear dog lovers insisting every fox hound on Earth be killed, when their only reason for existing is to kill wildlife), or more importantly for killing people? Dogs have killed 376 people in the US alone over the last 10 years. This includes 178 children, 58 of which were less than a year old, with the youngest being 3 days old. The vast majority of the rest were pensioners (the very young and old are a dogs natural prey). Almost all were killed by their own “loyal” family pet, which they insisted was harmless, until it decided they were prey (that’s what your dog is actually doing when it stares at your baby, it’s not curious, it’s deciding if it is food or not). One child was decapitated, another had his arm torn off and another had her entire face bitten off. A lot of these people, mainly the younger babies, were eaten. This does not include the 4.5 million people who are attacked by dogs each year (in the US alone), but do not die from their wounds. In contrast, there have been zero people known to have been killed in a house cat attack, in the world, in the whole of recorded history. Yet cats get a bad rep?