Well-Known Member
1) 'Savings', if any, are nominal.
2) New meters cost more than old meaning there should be an increase in cost to pay for the new meter, not a decrease for taking out an old less expensive meter whose cost has already been amortized and paid for.
3) Meter cost and remote reading is cheaper than labor and benefit costs. As an end user, your cost for service increase does not go up as quickly due to increasing labor costs. Your savings comes in the form of mitigating costs.
4) 'Smart metering', and I don't know if that applies here, is designed to use energy more efficiently therefore lowering or stabilizing the cost of generation and distribution. The new generation of meters is designed to, again, keep service costs as low as possible to end users.
I don't mean to sound like a dick 69Coronetrt, it's just that i hate some of these prick corporations and their attitude towards their employees. Besides you can't be that bad with a handle like 69Coronetrt!
I just picked up a 67 Coronet R/T project i'm starting work on.
1. The savings in my case only benefit the power company Pacific Power. They cut a job and Warren Buffet adds a few more digits to his billions. You know that nice old man that likes to eat ice cream and drink coke. I'd rather have a person not lose their job but i guess they'll just retrain and get a new one. Learn to code meter dude. Oh wait, we already imported an east indian and gave him that job. Sucks to be you.
2. Maybe but highly unlikely a made in china smart meter costs more than an old one. Remember what a tv used to cost compared to now? Besides i never requested a smart meter. It's was forced upon me and if i don't like it then the power company has the right to bend me over and have their way. Sons a ******* don't even offer you a kiss. This is a quote from the local news about the charges if you refuse their smart meter.
"Customers that don't use the smart meter will be charged a one-time $137 meter exchange fee, and a $36 monthly meter reading fee. For one year, that's $432 just to have a person read the meter.'
3. I agree that remote reading is cheaper for the power company which is part of the reason for smart meters. However, even if the company was able to mitigate their costs by eliminating 50% of their labor force, none of those savings would be passed along.
4. Smart metering may be used to efficiently distribute and generate electricity but you'll see the real reason within a few years. That is to punish you for your carbon footprint and excessive electricity usage at any time of their choosing.
I guess i'm just a bitter old asshole. I'm the same guy who refuses to do self checkout because i know someone needs that job and i don't want to help the said corp eliminate them. Guess they can always hope for universal basic income.