Well-Known Member
Very nicely done video. Excellent representation of your work and sweet tunes to go with it. Easily keep my attention for the full eight minutes plus, and at my age, not much does! LOL Great job!
Woo hooo, over 1100 views in a week!?!? Thank you all!!! Muahhhhhhhhhhhh :-D
Ohhhhh no, one a year is enough for me Budnicks! As it was, an 8 minute video took me like 40 some hours to put together. My friend Katie Poletti from New York did one though -- she's the one who started Beauty's Got Muscle (and has her own love story going with an old Chevy named Ned). She came by in 2011 with her film crew and finally got the video finished up a few days ago. If you're interested, here's a link.