If you are "that guy" to co-ordinate the tent,IMHO It would be cool if all the sites joined in one large tent!!! Combining the sites would give the numbers needed for a larger tent.All kindsa cool **** could happen for sure. I would pre pay for some water or foodOK folks: I just emailed Ed with the payment for the tent.
We are now guaranteed have a tent for FBBO. Please list FBBO as your club affiliation and hope to see you all at Carlisle!!!!
If you are "that guy" to co-ordinate the tent,IMHO It would be cool if all the sites joined in one large tent!!! Combining the sites would give the numbers needed for a larger tent.All kindsa cool **** could happen for sure. I would pre pay for some water or food![]()
If you are "that guy" to co-ordinate the tent,IMHO It would be cool if all the sites joined in one large tent!!! Combining the sites would give the numbers needed for a larger tent.All kindsa cool **** could happen for sure. I would pre pay for some water or food![]()
Just to let you all know, I posted the info for the Tent on the FABO & FEBO Sites, well prior to the Event last year, stating the plans, and asking anyone on those sites to list FBBO as their Club. We ended up with 16 Total last year, and I think some were from FABO ? One problem with the combined Site idea, is the placement of the Tent, which was perfect last year for B-body owners on the Showfield, as it was located Mid-B Body parking. Not so well for A-Body, and somewhat distant for E-Body owners. I'm sure Ed would be open to locating the Tent somewhere else, more central, but would need to know that ahead of time. Either way, it was a good effort last year, worked well, and got some of us together that would probably never had met otherwise. Let's Hope & Pray We have the chance this year, and years to come...I don't know that I am "that guy", but someone has to pony up the $$$, and last year I committed to do so. I am not sure that I am necessarily good at planning events, but hopefully if everyone pitches in a tiny bit we can do much more than last year!
I would love to be able to combine and/or invite our A, C and E body friends. But I am a bit confused: I though in one of your earlier posts you said that Carlisle has nixed the idea? My guess is they either need to add two (or more) groups together (which it sounds like they wont) OR we would need to come up with a group name that included all, like FABCEBO (sounds like a TV pharmaceutical ad!). I am not sure we have the time to get Carlisle to register FABCEBO and get the other sites to use that (and likely people would still choose FABO or FBBO by accident).
Having said the above, I am open to all thoughts and suggestions!!!
"""""""I don't know that I am "that guy", but someone has to pony up the $$$, and last year I committed to do so. I am not sure that I am necessarily good at planning events, but hopefully if everyone pitches in a tiny bit we can do much more than last year!
I would love to be able to combine and/or invite our A, C and E body friends. But I am a bit confused: I though in one of your earlier posts you said that Carlisle has nixed the idea? My guess is they either need to add two (or more) groups together (which it sounds like they wont) OR we would need to come up with a group name that included all, like FABCEBO (sounds like a TV pharmaceutical ad!). I am not sure we have the time to get Carlisle to register FABCEBO and get the other sites to use that (and likely people would still choose FABO or FBBO by accident).
The idea they nixed was being able to list our local home club and an internet club like FBBO.My home club has so close to being the largest club at the event for bragging rights.I also still am active on MOPARTS and park my car at their tent Friday before going to South Mountain to make a few blasts.Not sure how many peeps must register for the free tent which is why combing would be a good idea. And as someone said about location,,,anywhere central on the showfield should be ok for everyone. Hell,I'll park my brick at the tent Saturday as I don't care about getting judged.I drive in the street so there are battle scars and scratches since the paint in '02.
Also,,,,with more registrants they give a larger tent.I don'y know if tables and chairs are free but if everyone pitched in $5 or $10 For the initial reg that money could be used for other things after the number is reached for the free tent! I am still praying the event goes off with full attendance
"""Having said the above, I am open to all thoughts and suggestions!!!
Hey Ed, maybe Ed B would let you put FBBO as a Club for each space ? That sure would give us push to getting to the 25 Member count for a Free Tent !I paid for my vendor spaces back in October
If this virus stuff clears up I will go
If it is still active I will have 7 vendor spaces to lease
Hey Ed, maybe Ed B would let you put FBBO as a Club for each space ? That sure would give us push to getting to the 25 Member count for a Free Tent !
Ed, I don't know if they would let you, I was thinking out loud. Maybe a phone call, or an email to Ed B, might be worth a try ?How would I be able to do that?
I'll do the tables again this year.OK folks: I just emailed Ed with the payment for the tent.
We are now guaranteed have a tent for FBBO. Please list FBBO as your club affiliation and hope to see you all at Carlisle!!!!
We will definitely do that. One of those two days will be a cookout for a lunch or dinner - maybe dinner Saturday.Sure would like you guys to set up a meet and greet at a set time Friday & Saturday.![]()
Guys, I will put the funds up for the chairs again if you guys feel that it is a necessary. Also let me know on how the count worked out as well and if we should need more.
As I did last year, I will also compile the names and the area in which you registered. For example, if your registered for the show field, then Carlisle will assign you a number for your car, I will list that number and a brief description of the car that you intend on bringing. If your registered as a vendor, post your spaces and a high light of the items that your bringing. If your coming as a spectator, I will list as a spectator. This will hopefully give everyone the chance to meet up with anyone in particular that your looking to meet. I had 34 participants posted to the list for 2019. It would be nice to be able to hit 50 this year.
As of today, we are 100 days out from the kickoff for the show. Nobody at this time knows the status of our country's health situation for that weekend in July. But we can only plan that things will be much improved and that things will go on in a semi-normal manner. If the date is rescheduled or cancelled, then we will have the initial footwork done. For an event of this size, we need to be putting things in place now and modify and update as things change.
Looking forwards to July in Carlisle!!!
# 33 I will do the tables again......for FREERichard, Thanks again for your support and help! Great example of a great vendor and enthusiast too!!
Tables & Chairs: Did you arrange the tables and chairs from the Carlisle office that rents out the tents? If so, how many did you get and what was the approximate cost (the count last year was plenty)? When I hear back from Ed about the tent I can add those in as well if they came from the same place.
List: Thanks for compiling the list!
I agree we need to be putting things in place now. Things we do now, even if the show is delayed, will help us down the road.