We're very sorry you encountered a problem with the hardware kit you received. I'm not sure which hardware set you purchased, but if you send me some details about your order I can personally check into this and see what I can find. While it may seem simple to provide some instructions or a diagram, sometimes resources like this aren't immediately available, even from the manufacturer of the kit. This is also why some emailed inquiries take longer than others.
While we’re all sick of the residual effects of the pandemic, the reality is that we’re still facing challenges that didn’t exist two years ago. We have been very active in recruiting and hiring new agents to reduce wait times, and we’ve also implemented new systems to help reduce the need for unnecessary calls and emails. For example, customers now receive more communications about order processing and now have the ability to cancel an order online without the assistance of an agent. And this is just the beginning as we have more improvements in the works.
Even as we face challenges and make improvements, we still hold our customer service agents to a high standard. If you received unsatisfactory service from one of our agents, we need to know about it. We actively monitor and review calls to ensure our agents are delivering the level of service that is expected from them. So if a call needs to be reviewed and some coaching is needed, we’d be happy to review the situation and take any actions necessary.
As I’ve mentioned before, forum members are more than welcome to send me a direct message if there’s a situation that needs action taken. I’m more than happy to personally address any situation that needs attention. So far, hardly anyone has taken me up on the invitation, but it still stands… I’m more than happy to help.
Gabe Flores
Brand Manager