The guy from totally auto is super cool. He answers his phone and even returns calls, that in itself is a definite plus. I used him on Ebay 1 time and then asked him about road runner tail panel red paint to. I asked him also about shipping multiple cans. Well, I just bought 3 cans anyways and paid for seperate shipping, and had still asked about the red. He mixed up 2 cans of red, refunded me 3 cans worth of shipping and shipped all 5 before I even paid for it all. So he is a number one class act as far as I am concerned. And to answer your question. YES he has your grill paint. I am gettin ready to run my 572 hemi 68 Road Runner pure street car in April here local when the OKC street oulaw guys come to our local track. I figure I will be the only Mopar here, so I want to look and run good. Drive there and drive home, plus run a respectable time on 92 octane. Column shift bench seat car. Just mounted my X275 Mickey Street Radials today on my road wheels. Trying for a low 6 but we shall see. It runs what it runs. Alan