The following is the latest update from Craig.
So, here is an update in life, on the tablet that you guys all bought for me, thank you again....
As you read, with the help of my friend's kid, I was able to do Spring Carlisle (not a good Mopar event at all),
with not as juicy a spread as normal ( I had to leave an avenue for my van to get out, God Forbid....) , but the customers themselves would help me pull the items they needed out of the van, so it worked....
It is clearly NOT EASY, doing it in a walker, but the good news is, that I CAN do it, provided I can have the assistance to set up and break down.... I had to pay for it, of course, when all these years I have done it myself for FREE, but , obviously, now, I have issues, thanks to those dirtbag cops destroying the left side of my body....
I am presently working with two lawyers ( I have more phone numbers, but haven't contacted them yet ) who were supposed to call me back, and naturally, they didn't call me back the entire time I was at Spring Carlisle and during the four days after Spring Carlisle, while I was unloading the van ( I bought $ 1200 of those clear plastic
gas filters you've seen on my counters --- that is where I meet up with my supplier, for FREE Shipping...), filling orders from Spring Carlisle, etc., etc.....
I called them both back yesterday, and got fed more rhetoric, and alerted them that they are both aware that my
" 50 H " hearing is on Monday, May 8th.... which I included with all the paperwork I included that they requested...
This " 50 H " hearing is the preliminary hearing before a judge, to, I suppose ( obviously , I have never had to do anything like this in my life... ) to give him the FACTS of the situation... So clearly, I am on my own ---- since neither lawyer will be by my side for this ( they both say that it is not necessary --- they said I can just tell the judge that I am still working on legal representation...) Real nice that they are " too busy " to help me, to be by my side, and they don't even call me back....
I am going to tell you --- I really wish I didn't have to deal with all of this --- but what these dirtbag cops did to me has caused some unbelievable extra expense in my life, what they stole from me --- so far, the $ 3000 of state quarters, my Jewelry Box, and my Vikings Starter Jacket , so far --- and MOST IMPORTANTLY --- my extremely compromised life, because I CAN NOT WALK, like a normal human being, directly because of their actions ---
Civil Rights violations, , Police Brutality , etc., etc., and a permanent loss of income , etc., etc...
If I knew how to put pictures in here --- and maybe, I can have someone help me do that. I will have the pictures that my friends took, that I made copies, depicting how those dirtbag cops destroyed and ransacked my place,
And, of course, I had to have my friend's help me, and I had to rent U Hauls (at my expense), hire day workers ( at my expense), and put a bunch of my merchandise in storage units (at my expense --- and my continuing expense)
to make this place wheelchair and walkeraccessible.... I am sitting in my wheelchair presently, as I am typing this to you all now....
As you all read this, ask me any questions you have, or anything that you want to know, because
A) I will be more than happy to answer anything you want to know , and
B) It might trigger some thought or idea that I need to think of, know, or question.
I still do ask for your continued thoughts and Prayers --- because with all my extra expenses , it is even that much more difficult to get to the break even point in life ...... and a couple of the shows I used to do, are now, no longer... how about that ???
Any time anyone asks me how I am, I have two (2) words --- " I'm Trying...." --- I sure don't say, " good " .....
Thanks for all your thoughts, words, and Prayers to this point... I am not quitting now....
I have the Rhinebeck car show on Friday, May 5th (Cinquo de Mayo) through Sunday, May 7th --- and my friend, Mike, up there, has procured a young man, whom I am hiring to help with set up and breakdown,
and then, I have that " 50 H " hearing on Monday, May 8th....
I will report back to everyone here.... Yours, Craig.....