Well, it's Saturday night and CtC 2022 is over for me. There will be people and cars cruising and hanging out tonight all along the Mississippi Gulf Coast from Bay St. Louis on the westernmost end to Ocean Springs on the easternmost end and all points in between, and while "things" didn't go nearly as good as I'd like, I managed to enjoy what time I had there.
Other than the year (maybe 4 or 5 years ago) I had just got my 3 Holley carbs back from Promax, and along with the great job they did modding them, installing their popular parts in them, I also got their complete (upper 3 way and lower main feed) stainless steel braided fuel lines, and I ignored my "gut feeling" because I was short on time to flush out those brand new braided lines. They were full of stainless "shards" of clipped off braid, and that went into every orifice inside the carbs, especially the Promax metering block in the center carb. The brass looking vertical orifices that are in 2 rows (I should know what they are but I haven't read my "Tuning Holley Carburetors" book yet, and I don't remember what they're called) had tiny individual clippings of stainless steel braid stuck in them. Well, my car ran like crap and Cruisin the Coast was already underway, so I just drove around pissed off because of the car running so badly, especially since it should have been running better than ever, and I had just invested a lot of time and money on it. After it was over and I found the time to take the fuel bowls off and the carbs apart, it was obvious what the problem was, I cleaned everything out, and it's run great ever since then....


my car-->

My wife and I drove in my Roadrunner to the Tuesday nighttime "flamethrower contest" and right away I knew something was wrong. Lots of unburned fuel smell, and bucking, stumbling, really bad. So Wednesday I checked all ignition related connections, cleaned, treated, etc everything, no luck. Thursday morning at sunup I checked the float level in all 3 carbs and the front one was a bit high, so I made an adjustment, but no luck, and I drove it to the MOPARS IN DA BAY event, there was no way I wasn't going to make that. Driving back home was so aggravating I knew that was it until I find and fix the problem. I suspect fouled plugs from oil blowby getting sucked into the center carb. If I wasn't having the 572 built I'd probably "clean up" the cylinder walls and put new rings in it, my oil pressure is fine, but the blowby on hard acceleration is troubling.
Anyway, we went to the Pontiac A Body (GTO/LeMans) car club event yesterday afternoon and that was nice. There was a club that showed up of various cars and 1 old truck, ALL built for serious drag strip duty, ALL with HUGE, WIDE "steamroller looking" rear tires, most with big old school superchargers, and the Pontiac Club event was important to my wife, so it was good to go.
Today we took her GTO and had fun around Main Street in Bay St Louis, our favorite place to go on the "big day".
Again, it was great seeing forum friends and MOPAR brothers, especially Thursday, and I appreciate all of you!