On December 7, 1941 we were attacked and ushered in our entry into the Pacific theater of operations for WWII. It would seem that the attack is pushed further and further out of view with each passing year. There is no mention of Pearl Harbor remembrance on the radio, the internet, or even on people's lips. A customer asked me a few weeks ago how long his stuff would take, and my comment was "hard to tell, with all of the holidays coming up" I even mentioned that I might even be closed (I am not because I am too busy) on Dec 7th. I could tell by his blank stare that he had no clue. I asked him what was so special about that day, and he had no clue. I just don't get it, because I am old maybe. You see, migrants (ILLEGALS), border, biden, congress, trans (queers), ukraine, china, etc, but not a GD word about the importance of a day that happened 82 years ago...
We must NEVER forget, because history will repeat itself due to ignorance!