How long have you had your Mopar? Remember decades ago that you could get a 67 to 71 Dodge or Plymouth for $5K? Back in the day my brother and friends all had em. All blue collar guys. Now it seems like a rich person's game. I just did a search for a 70 Dodge Charger and they range from $60k to $190k? What happened? I know the pandemic inflated them but it seems out of hand now or is it just my observations?
The original question in the title of this thread is of course quite silly:
"Did anyone notice how expensive 67 to 71 Mopar mucscle cars have gotten?"
Obvious answer to that one is of COURSE everyone here is aware....
Many threads on here (and even more numerous articles out there in the world written) on how the hobby now
favors the investors over the grass roots types out there.
Doesn't matter if any of it is "fair" or if anyone agrees with what has happened - it just
A better question, in my opinion, is how many actually
care about the inflated values of their cars?
I've never been in it for money and I'm not now; there's way more to it than that for me at least,
a lifetime in and about the hobby for the sheer love of the cars.
Yeah, Fred is supposedly worth considerably more than I have in him; I couldn't care less.

Most people see him and think "nice car, bet he paid a bundle for it" or some such....
They don't know what I know about him, though - and how many years of scraping together funds,
parts, physical stamina it took to get him this far.
Can't put a price on any of that, not that I would ever.