Well, I'm at a total loss. Two different master cylinders, two different adjustable proportioning valves, same problem.
I removed the factory junction block thinking maybe that was it, same problem.
I removed the proportioning valve and it was ten times worse - I was facing down hill and came to a hard stop. Even in drive, facing downhilll, the car wouldn't roll at all until I started driving and tapped the brakes a couple times.
I removed the drums, not difficult but snug, then I opened a wheel cylinder bleeder screw - it was holding pressure because the fluid squirted out. The rear wheels are hot, the front wheels fairly cool... the rear brakes are definitely getting hotter.
I adjusted the valve for more rear pressure, the brakes were worse, adjusted it for less rear pressure and the brakes were better but still after a few stops the brakes are locked up.
I have no idea what the hell is going on here, I did notice that my brakes were acting funny before I did the swap and I felt unsafe driving the car, that's why I went with discs.
I guess it goes into a shop next week, I'm tired of crawling under it with a broken ankle and trying to work on it - everything takes three times longer! lol