Yup, takem back.
Yup, park far away.
Prime location is across the drive aisle from the furthest away cart return corral. Put stuff in trunk, walk across aisle and return.
People are allergic to walking outside.
I grew up farming with 1960's style dairy farming. In Wisconsin. Wisconsin is for the Nords.
It is not cold outside because it is -25F with 20mph winds on top of it, it's Wisconsin.
It is not hot outside because it is 98F with a dew point of 92, it's Wisconsin.
The rain feels nice. It means the crops will grow, or the snow will melt.
Snow is pretty. Kills the bugs, completely alters the landscape view for a few months, don't have to cut grass for a while.
When you have to take care of animals during the extremes, the average day is a nice day outside. Spoiled people that can't survive 35 seconds without AC should not live here.
Of course, those are the type that can't park more then ten feet from the door and leave the cart behind the car next to them when they leave.
ALDI uses the quarter trick. it works around here, because in small town WI everyone is a tightwad. Me too. I had a guy offer to take my cart for me at ALDI. No way Jose, that's my quarter.