Well, back at it in TX. Looks like I will try to keep the marriage together, it's worth it!
I cut out the right rear qtr, just the rear lower area as it's swiss cheese after Media Blasting it, that area between the trunk extensions and lower qtr panel are a moisture and rust trap.
Also, I pulled the cowel off a few months ago, not a quick task! The intakes under that thing are rotted to high heaven! So, I took some donor ones and will weld them in, cut out one (the other one is salvageable).
I will be Media Blasting what little remains to be Media Blasted on this car this weekend. Also, I went thru every piece of scrap metal that's been kicking around my shop for years, and evaluated the worth, salvagability of the piece(s), and replacement availability. Needless to say, I trashed a LOT of metal, cut off the things like rear seat mounting areas, spare tire mounting brackets, etc., and saving them for future installations.
Yeah, this weekend is going to be a grind! Media Blasting a MGB, my Satellite, my GTX, lots of small parts, perhaps a frame from another customer, two repeat customers...they are GOLD!!! I don't think I will get 'em all done, will get too tired! Unless I hire a helper...yeah, good idea Donny!!!