There is another factor to consider and that is dynamic compression. That is, the static and the overlap/duration of the cam and what the motor "actually" has for compression. With aluminum heads and large cams (not sure what you are running) you can live with pretty decent compression on 92 octane. Obviously carb, jetting, ignition has to be optimized as well as load on the motor. Weight, converter, gear etc. No two cars will be the same.
That said, look at what compression the new Vette has using 92 octane? It can be done with a carb, I have done it. Not same make but I ran a 462 ci motor for years at 11.6:1 comp on nothing more than 92 pump gas. Attention to carb jetting, timing, cam duration and converter made it possible.
Not suggesting this is the course for everyone but if your goal is maximum HP and performance with pump gas, you can push the limit further w/ aluminum heads and a well picked combination.