Final update.
I took a couple weeks' break to refill my patience bucket and decide what I'm going to do with this car. I want to make one last effort to get it started.
So yesterday and today I worked on it again. I started back at square 1. Put in some fresh gas. Changed the fuel filter. Bought a new can of starting fluid. Double checked all connections. Checked all the spark plugs. Verified timing. Put the battery on a trickle charge overnight. Cranks good but still no start. I bought one of them spark testers someone had posted about and verified that spark is indeed getting to the plugs. As before, cranking voltage at the coil + was a little low so once again I ran a jumper wire to provide 12v directly to the coil. Still no start. This part really bugs me. Because I know about all the places in the electrical system that can lose voltage, that would have to be sorted out if that was determined to be the problem, but when you run 12v directly to the coil that should bypass any electrical issue. The engine should at least make a feeble attempt to start. Am I correct? I am getting nothing. After cranking it awhile I pulled one of the plugs and verified it was wet. So it's getting fuel.
Even though it's a professionally rebuilt engine, I'm starting to think that maybe the timing chain did in fact jump a tooth, or something internal malfunctioned. Even though I'm a year past the warranty, I'm sure he'd be willing to take a look at it but he's going to want me to pull the engine and bring it in. I won't do that. If there are internal engine problems going on, that will be the next owner's headache. I do plan on doing a compression check for my own curiosity. It would be ironic if it did turn out to be an internal engine problem. The engine rebuild was the only part of the restoration that I sourced out to a professional because I wanted to make sure it was done right.
Anyway, since this is obviously beyond my ability to diagnose and/or repair, and I don't know a mechanic that I trust enough to tow the vehicle to their shop, I'm just going to sell it as a non-running vehicle. I'll take a huge financial hit, I know. But it's better than all the frustration the car's given me up to now. Thanks to all for your help. Look for it on the Tucson craigslist in a couple weeks.