Well-Known Member
One 727 I left the park sprag on the output shaft, but removed the governor. I plugged the feed hole with a lead sinker.
you need the governor support
removed the governor. I plugged the feed hole with a lead sinker.
I was referring to the governor support (with park gear) not the shaft support.It does a lot more than prevent flooding.... the rear support, supports the front of the output shaft, and everything on it......sprag and low/reverse drum depend on it. You can however, eliminate the park gear, and the governor too if you'd like, and retain the support... But the big question still remains, why try to get rid of the park gear??.... just because you have a reverse manual valve body, that does'nt eliminate its usefulness.
Spacers are available to eliminate the governor assembly (only) but, some think an imbalance will result due to the governor support being weighted to account for the governor (mounted) weight bias.I like this economical way of thinking, but did'nt you still need some sort of spacer where the governor was, in order for the snap rings to keep the output shaft located for and aft?? Or all that responsibility is now on the big circlip in the tailstock?? /me goes to look at a dissasembled trans....................