Hey guys, quick update. Before my buddy came over on Tuesday I wanted to find the cylinder making the noise so I decided to pull each wire while its running to see if the noise stopped. Noise was coming from the passenger side so I started with #2 that had the low compression and when I pulled it the engine shut off. I thought that was weird seeing as a V8 can run with one or two cylinders not firing, it may shake and struggle but haven't had one shut down right away like that so I plugged it back in, started it up again and pulled #4, no change, plugged it back in and pulled #6, no change. Went through them all and found out that its only running on 4 cylinders. 1, 4, 6, and 7 weren't firing at all, remember I have never driven this car, I wouldn't be able to tell by the power missing or gas millage and the engine was running smooth and didn't sound like it was missing because it was running half the engine, every other cylinder in the firing order was firing correctly and it was smooth because of that. I remembered hearing this a while ago from a buddy that had the same issue and it was the carb as one side of the carb feeds 1, 4, 6, and 7. I took the carb off and did a quick clean on it, I couldn't do a full rebuild as I didn't have the rebuild kit and gaskets but I cleaned out the idle screws and passages and when I put it back all the cylinders fired and the noise was gone. So long story short it was the carb, guess a lesson in KISS, keep it simple stupid, I should have pulled each wire first and seen which was causing the noise and caught this a long time ago.
Once I got it running I went to pull it out and it wouldn't go into gear, it has been sitting since, I have been so busy with work and with family I haven't had a chance to look at it and by my schedule now it may be a bit before I can get underneath and check why its not going into gear.
Yes Rick it is listed on Kijiji as I don't have the time to fix it and enjoy it right now. With my work schedule, my 2 year old daughter and my wife being 7 months pregnant I just don't have the time this car deserves. I am not going to give it away and if I don't get a decent offer from someone who will take care of it I'm definitely going to keep it and fix it over time. I know that if I sell it I will be kicking myself in a couple years when my schedule hopefully gets a little lighter, I will probably be looking to buy another Mopar so storing it and working on it slowly may be the best thing. I listed it to see if there was any interest but will most likely keep it as it is a solid car, frame, floors, suspension, interior and body (minus paint) are all great, little mechanical work and its good to go so it will be tough to sell.