My line of thinking has been that I'd prefer to run this original engine as long as I can before swapping it out. What has kept me in this line of thinking is how well it has been running all this time.
It seems silly to pull and swap when this engine still ran great, had adequate oil pressure and decent fuel economy.
Once it started running rough, I wondered if time was running out. The dash lights... the MIL posting codes and all had me thinking that anything that I do is a band aid on a hatchet wound.
The fuel injector swap I did a couple weeks back seemed like it would have helped but it didn't. The recent codes of P0151 and P0174 had me thinking that I need to address them since they would possibly still exist even if I changed the engine.
I was either lucky or good with that one. I was right!
The upstream O2 sensors looked pretty crappy. Here is the LEFT side next to a new one.
Note how the "barrel" at the end was blown apart and mushroomed. The white discoloration is strange too.
Now the right side:
Same condition of the "barrel" but the housing is sooty black, indicating a rich mixture going through.
Finally. original LEFT, RIGHT then a new one for comparison.
The truck idles like new. 500 rpms in drive with the A/C off, 600 with the A/C on.
NO codes. NO lights. Smooth acceleration.
I know the time is coming to replace the engine but I am glad that day is not today.