Sorry, I forgot to add this to my last response. Last year right before the driving season ended, I installed a 1/2" thick phenolic spacer in a recommendation from a local carburetor guy that many people speak highly of. I'm supposed to bring my car to him, but between him living out of town, and my work schedule, I haven't made the time. This drastically cut down the temperature sinking up to the carb from the intake and heads, which are also aluminum. I actually just got back from a 90 minute drive a few minutes ago. I added the 105 octane boost and filled the tank to full with 91. I also found that the nuts holding the carb to the intake(with the spacer and gasket in between)were not tight. I should have checked those first. They were really quite loose. Could have been pulling air in. Also, my PCV was not seated properly on the valve cover, and I got it sealed up properly. Overall the car ran fine while driving. Good throttle response, and no bogging at take off. I still have to figure out why engine won't high idle at start up. I had it set to high idle at about 850-900, and then regular idle at 650, but it won't high idle at all, and even regular when hot sits at 500-550. Anyway, I'll keep on it.