Another long post, my apologies. This topic takes me back to a span of my life I regretted more than I liked. I was part of the executive staff of a company for some years, it was usually more uncomfortable than not. Too many were fine drinking the Kool-Aide. The exec team, about 15 of us, spent four days going through the M-B personality profile. I have mine somewhere, it assessed four traits as I recall. I ranked just inside the I and was an analytical sort; something to do with ‘processing’ info before acting on it. This fits as when I want to build stuff, I usually make a print of exactly what I want to do down to the location of bolts. (Building a large table now.)
The job forced me outside of my boundaries; but did well for a time. Except a few found my traits an irritation as well, there were a few I found irritating. The company prez, before he moved on, ranked as far E as the scale would allow! We had some testy debates as he was one getting a hair-brained idea and never thought squat about how it needed to come together and would get pissy when I’d try to discuss some details he didn’t want to listen to. Yeah, a couple huge failures were a result. The job involved tons of public speaking. It was when micro-managers just above my rank, wanted to intrude on my area of expertise such as when planning a bi-annual meeting with all staff under me (about 100 people across the country) that made things real uncomfortable. Basically, they wanted everyone to drink their Kool-Aide and telling me what I should do. I got them peeved when I said something like “If you’re looking for advice from a plumber, do you want to consult with an electrician?”
The company went ape-**** over culture and team building, like wanting an army of people so locked down it made my stomach turn. Endless workshops and role playing taking people off their jobs for egg-tossing and card games. Geezuz, some it reminded me of kindergarten class. And it got worse. People would have to come in and were bussed to a movie theater to watch the leaders show them their flavor of the week. And worse. The company prez (another schmuck that I once thought was a good friend knowing him for eons) paid consultants to mess with our brains on the senior staff. How’s this for an intro from a **** wad consultant: “Today, before we’re done, I guarantee one or more of you in the room will break down and cry”. He started with “I want you to look at the person to your right and tell us why he/she shouldn’t be fired”.
The prez was a sick mofucker relishing leadership by fear. Eventually he got a hate on for me cuz I’d tell him exactly what I thought. I wasn’t the only one. We got nice severance packages to depart after he tried to make our work so miserable to get us to resign. I would have; but my-coworker and close bud in the same shithole talked me out of it. After this ****, I started my own biz devoid of corporate kool aide bullshit…