Someone should tell this guy wood ash is a replacement for lime. He could spread that out on the field without causing any issues, instead of having it hauled away.
My Grandfather's home burned coal in the WW2 and prior timeframe. In the 50's, he swapped the chute to be used for firewood as it was cheaper to go harvest then buy coal on his farm.
Later he installed a propane furnace, but burnt so much wood he only really used less than 100 gallons of LP a year. In WI. That went up as he got older and didn;t want to go tend a fire in the middle of the night in the dark. Too many stairs.
I have been thinking about this the last couple years. I think the modern equivolent is wood pellets. Premade bags of fuel to burn.
Firewood is always lauded as cheap. But really if you are buying it even in bulk and stacking it yourself to burn all winter, it adds up. My brother in law burns only wood. his home is smaller then mine, but it is also less insulated(poor windows) and his cost is about the same as mine and I run exclusively LP. If you can make your own wood, you can call it cheap(lot of work) but you also have to have the land or drive around a lot to pick up the "free"(costs gas money!) wood on FB or some such.
The pellets are similar. A lot of places regionally that have a source for what amounts to a waste product at a sawmill to manufacture the pellets can offer them at an attractive price. I have been thinking about this as a supplement to my LP for a while, but I am focused on the last bit of my mortgage for the immediate future(almost there!) I am curious if there is a pellet/rice coal type out there now after seeing this video. A self metering rice coal type might be very cost effective, even at coal's higher entry price. I will need to keep that in the back of my mind for the future.
One thing is certain, there is more stored energy in coal then wood. Not sure how it compares, probably depends on the wood. For other types, there is more energy by far is deisel(oil) then in LP, and both oil and LP laugh at the energy from electric heat.
This is a good topic as it is -5 out at noon in WI with the sun shining today
Next two days are supposed to bring some real winter. We usually get a week to maybe 3 weeks of real winter a year. So far it has been mild, and the forecast is for onyl a couple days. So my heat bill may be spared this season