Thanks for the mention Runner :icon_thumright: It made me chuckle to read my own.
Can I put forward this one;
Mr.SpeedFreak - The future of where we want our hobby heading. Wise beyond his years and still willing to learn. :headbang:
Damn I was wondering why my ears were ringin haha thanks for the shoutout Kiwi! And tallhair was spot on with "too much of a gentleman for this forum" haha, always an appreciated source of encouragement and owner of one hell of a sweet GTX
Late to the party as always, so most of anyone I could think to mention have already been covered but here's a few repeats anyway
-Budnicks: already been covered, "cybernetic organism with a mopar ecu that traveled back in time to drop some knowledge in the form of endless multicolor/multi-font/multi-picture posts." (With an occasional humorous sub-routine thrown in for good measure)
-747mopar: custom fabrication wizard and all-around great guy, still owe you one for donating your original grille center trim to my car, been a lot of fun watching your build come together to such an awesome final product!
-Propwash: master of all things once rusty, full-on restoration sorcerer, and always willing to lend some helpful advice to us foolish mortals haha (still waiting on my signed hardbound copy of Family Tradition)
-Hyrdgoon: can be summed up with "Fer Racin," "viiiideeeeooooo," and "paint it black" lol always fun to have around and your buildthread has given me some great tips!
-CDR: "Charger Charlie" one hell of a great guy and always Johnny on the spot with the Charger info and encouraging posts.
-Hunt2elk: another Charger encyclopedia and the mind behind one of the meanest looking '69 Chargers I've ever seen. Also a source of some great info thanks to his buildthread
-Kahn-vertible67: always encouraging and with no fear of diving into a project head-first and learning as you go, something I think a lot of people should look up to. Always a great guy to have around
-USAroadrunner: an inspiration to be pushing forward through health issues with such a positive attitude (also applies to CDR), and creator of one seriously mean-mugging '70 Plymouth I get more and more jealous of with every update haha
Typing this has sucked my phone's battery pretty well dry but still a lot of people on here I'd like to give a shoutout to, Ron, RC/DH haha, 440+6, Photon, daytonakid, Bigblock61, 69runner, roadrunnerman, basketcase, mopar4don, pfg, cranky, chargersteven, marpar, chargerjase, too many to even think of. But in general the entire site has been a huge help through some excellent how-to posts, people willing to lend help when I've hit roadblocks, encouragement and always a good laugh, so a big "thank you!" out to all you guys!

Oh and that's "ripe old age of 22" nowadays Dev haha thanks man!