not sure tag on my purple beauty you see to the left there has a N96 option ( air grabber hood) but not listed on the wasnt put there by a previous owner.....sometimes chrysler just throws on options at the factory to get rid of them on Y16 (bank sales car). a Y16 is a car that plymouth made...threw outside on the lot and HOPED would sell . being that my car was made in st louis says alot about that.
That helps... Why the question is my fender tag shows options that are not present. i was worried that the tag was from a different car.
For example, the tag says a console is supposed to be there but it is not. Also a vinyl top but none is there. And the biggie, it says power front discs, but it has drums.
I can see removing the top as I would have done that myself. The console may have been trashed over the years, but I question removing the front discs.
Does the car show where the console brackets were welded to the trans hump? Are the bucket seat reinforcement plates welded into the floor pan?