Wow... I certainly appreciate all the time you guys are spending, trying to help me out of this pickle. A lot of good to know info. If I've learned anything, given my particular circumstances... I only have two options left. 1) Examine as many databases, as I can find, looking for 68 LR 'Axxxxx' VONs with it in mind to estimate
my SPD, based upon the surrounding data. I have come to understand the randomness of the LR production line and that two vehicles bearing nearly exact VINs
or nearly exact VONs, do not necessarily go down the line together. Some have suggested as many as 2-3 weeks could expire between vehicles entering the production line. If true, this makes determination of the SPD, a crap shoot at best - which is why it has also been suggested, I leave the SPD BLANK in order to maintain the integrity of the replacement tag. In doing so, everyone will recognize it, as a replacement tag in the future, and no harm is done. This is ok with me. np. - but in the meantime, OPTION #2 is, I am going to drop by every car show I can within the lower mainland region B.C. (Western Coastline) of Canada, with this project in mind. Hopefully I will see a number of LR 68 b-body VONs - to which I will refer in my continuing research. Wish me I'll need it. PS: I have also reached out and made a couple of more contacts. I suspect I am on the right track. I know of no other useful methodology, in bailing this one out. Thank-you everyone for your time and comments. If, I learn anything further, I will most certainly post an update. Otherwise - Peace and Keep On Rock'n
Here is an example of a 68 Dodge R/T Hemi 'Built to Spec's for Canada' fender tag, I found posted earlier on the internet.
Notice the VON beginning with 'A' at the end of line #1 (the bottom line). Also notice the w/6 code near the end of line #4 (the top line).
These are both designators - the car was built to Spec's for Canada. I'm not sure what the differences were, but there must have been some.
There were reportedly only 17,914 GTXs built in 1968. It would interesting to know how many bore VONs, beginning with 'A'.
As only (3) of 7,841 '68 SuperBee Hemis built, had the designator 'A' within VON, destined for Canada, (according to John Bober's SuperBee Registry),
I rather suspect - a low number of '68 GTX's were shipped North, with the 'A' designator found in the VON, making my task difficult, if not for the fact, many other
models, such as the Belvedere, RR & others, kindly mentioned by 69Coronetrt, are worthy of examination for similar VON/SPD research - all of which has yet to be done.
I have learned, there is no easy way to do this correctly, in the absence of proper documentation. Everything changes for the better, as of 1969, unfortunately for me.
If you are still curious about my strange looking SO# located upon top ds rad yoke (aka mounting bracket or frame), I have included a quick pic below.
Just goes to show ya - they exist. lol.
Again, Peace and Take care.