Hydraulic flat tappet
Valvoline VR1 20w50 rading motor oil
NAPA Gold 1515 filter
Crankcase drained and filled with new oil and a filter
Before installing the camshaft and lifters wash them thoroughly in clean mineral spirits to remove the rust preventative that is placed on the cam prior to shipping.
DO NOT "pump-up" hydraulic lifters before use.
Using good cam lube (ask cam manufacture for recomendation), coat the bottom of the lifters, cam lobes and distributor gear.
Adjust valves if they are adjustable. Try to minimize the number of times that you rotate the engine, as this can displace the cam lube from the lobes and lifters.
If possible prime the oiling system. I like using an electric drill to spin the oil pump priming the engine. Valve covers should be off to assure that all rockers are geting oil.
Preset the ignition timing to start the engine at a fast idle.
Also prefill the carburetor, a electric fuel pump works well for this.
The engine needs to start quickly without excessive cranking to insure immediate lubrication to the cam lobes.
Start the engine and immediately bring to 2,500 rpm.
Timing should be adjusted to reduce excessive heat or load during break-in. I set my 383 between 12 and 15 BTDC
Get the engine running fairly smoothly and vary the engine speed from 1500-3000 RPM in a slow acceleration/deceleration cycle for 20 - 30 minutes. This is necessary to provide proper lifter rotation to properly mate each lifter to its lobe. Should the engine need to be shut down for any reason, upon re-start it should be immediately brought back to 3000 rpm and the break-in continued for a total run time of 20 - 30 minutes.
Let the engine cool, and then drain the oil and remove the filter. I like to cut the filter apart and look for any forign material. Refill the crankcase with oil and install a new filter. At this point the initial "break in" is complete. Drive the vehicle in a normal manner.
Never use old lifters on a new cam. If you replace the cam, replace the lifters. You can install new lifters on a previously used cam.
Hope this helps.