koosh, it will be difficult for anybody to tell you the final thickness that you are going to need. That is why we home doers reuse the original foam if possible, or at least as a guide to get you back to the thickness as needed. Our fifty plus year old foam has condensed, and will need at least an 1/2 inch or more to restore back to original thickness. If not , when you stretch the new vinyl cover on, you will have wrinkles. I buy and use a lot of jute backing on my replacement jobs. You can glue it on top or use on the bottom of your foam as in T2R9 pic.
For your base bottom, you first need to secure something solid, a blanket, jute or burlap will work fine. You then will have to do trial testing with your cover to determine how much foam is needed to fill out your cover.
Watch some U tube vids, they is a lot of them, and you will understand the basics. I really do enjoy doing my own upholstery work, even as the rookie I am at it.