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For all of you patriotic members.

Hmmmm, that's you reading more into it then what is there. Sure some won't like any of it and sure some of those who don't might be Vets or whatever.... never was there anything questioning their convictions either. Your just making things up and turning an innocent thread (acknowledging a company I find to be refreshing) into something more than it is.
Read you title to your Thread, thats what its about. You could have posted this a hundred ways. You and your pals think your more of a patriotic then me. Again I'm asking you, were are these shirts made, not silk screened but made. What does the label say? My jobs were i worked were full of veterans, i was always surrounded by vets, family, neighbors, co workers.
To answer Steve's question. T shirt blanks are purchased threw a vendor but made in Nicaragua then all printing etc is done in house. The owner is an ex Drill SGT. Lastly they sponsor a lot of charity events and give to other fund raisers for the military.
Read you title to your Thread, thats what its about. You could have posted this a hundred ways. You and your pals think your more of a patriotic then me. Again I'm asking you, were are these shirts made, not silk screened but made. What does the label say? My jobs were i worked were full of veterans, i was always surrounded by vets, family, neighbors, co workers.
Your mistaken, don't know who my "buddies are" but I don't label or assume anything about you or anybody else. You interpreted the title how you wanted to not for what it was.
I didn't serve, regret it often and respect those who did.... I carefully select things to never give the perception that I did so here's a taste of what I would purchase.
I like those shirts! Gonna have to get a few of them.
As i thought, whores who use the military and phony patriotism to turn a buck. Veterans working there? Maybe because they can't get a DECENT job anywhere else
This proves absolutely nothing at all other than that you'll stop at nothing to prove a point!

Best place I ever worked was the Longaberger Basket Company, they took care of their employees like no other. Top notch insurance (Having a child cost $5), they had a daycare center on sight where you could drop your kids off, music videos throughout, A/C, paid great wages, super quotas where I hardly worked more than 30-35 hrs per week, had an on sight doctors office (free of charge) and offered plenty of vacation time as well. Going to work was more like going to High School than it was a job with a competitive and positive environment but those greedy SOBs (employees) weren't happy and was talking to Unions??? I'll never forget the owner bluntly saying "you vote a union in and I'm shutting the doors" yes I was happy to hear that.... Here you have a company that's got people driving from 2 hours away everyday because of how great of a company it is to work for and they aren't happy? What I'm saying is it doesn't matter where you go people will complain and likewise with my current job, those who apply themselves are rewarded and those who don't bitch and that will never change. Since you'll likely ask why I'm no longer at Longaberger if it was so great, Baskets aren't a necessity so the downturn in the economy, the passing of the owner and poor decisions on the part of his daughter ran it under.

Your a very negative person for what reason I don't know but I'd appreciate it if you'd troll somewhere else instead of turning incident threads into pissing contest. I only posted this because I though someone might like it???
Negative person, troll. I stated my case and if you cant deal with it well thats to bad. Your thread was indicative of how people with your mentality think and i take issue and am going to respond. I tried not to insult you as i still dont think you meant any disrespect or harm but your Titled thread is what bothers me and then this they employ vets. If you or anybody else wants to wear Tee shirts that have to tell the world what a great patriot you are, thats your thing, your money spent. This company produces a product, makes a profit over something thats now in vogue, i see them as making money off of the sacrifice of our military who endured the horrors of war and suffered from it. Then the company to make themselves look better says they employ vets. Great job for a returning vet, they'll learn a real skill and support a family, you think? I dont, just dont use there status like there pawns.
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