I had a bunch of things go wrong on this restoration which just wore me down, plus i got severly injured while working on it back in June '11. As such, the desire & excitement that I once had for the car dropped off....but I still had to finish it. Once finished, I became paranoid about bringing it to cruise nights and driving it. Over the years, I've had a lot of nice (and expensive) cars there is always a "what if" thought that goes through your head, however, I've never been paranoid about any of them, but this was different. So, since the fun factor was lost for me, I put it up for sale.
I had a bunch of things go wrong on this restoration which just wore me down, plus i got severly injured while working on it back in June '11. As such, the desire & excitement that I once had for the car dropped off....but I still had to finish it. Once finished, I became paranoid about bringing it to cruise nights and driving it. Over the years, I've had a lot of nice (and expensive) cars there is always a "what if" thought that goes through your head, however, I've never been paranoid about any of them, but this was different. So, since the fun factor was lost for me, I put it up for sale.
I had a bunch of things go wrong on this restoration which just wore me down, plus i got severly injured while working on it back in June '11. As such, the desire & excitement that I once had for the car dropped off....but I still had to finish it. Once finished, I became paranoid about bringing it to cruise nights and driving it. Over the years, I've had a lot of nice (and expensive) cars there is always a "what if" thought that goes through your head, however, I've never been paranoid about any of them, but this was different. So, since the fun factor was lost for me, I put it up for sale.
:laughing7:We got them plenty of those wingy things around here