While we're on the subject of EV's ....
The Electric Vehicle-Blackout Connection
I & I Editorial Board
March 3, 2023
Thursday we reminded readers that electric vehicles are evil. Today, we provide another reason why they are the functional equivalent of an invasive species.
In our “
It’s Time To Admit It: EVs Are EVIL” editorial, we made the case that “EV owners, not those who drive internal-combustion engine cars, “are the ones responsible for raping the planet, poisoning entire communities, enriching genocidal tyrants, and creating a massive hazmat problem while doing nothing to stop ‘climate change.’”
Moving on, we argue that EV owners, the policymakers forcing electric cars on the country and the nagging activists who support them will be responsible for a future of blackouts and power shortages.
According to PJM Interconnection, a regional power transmission organization that serves 13 states and the District of Columbia, the country faces “
a potential timing mismatch between resource retirements.”
“Thermal generators,” meaning power plants that typically produce electricity from fossil fuels and nuclear fission, “are retiring at a rapid pace due to government and private sector policies as well as economics.” These “retirements are at risk of outpacing the construction of new resources.”
PJM cites “the proliferation of high-demand data centers in the region” it serves and “electrification” as factors in an increased demand for voltage. It also mentions the growth of “plug-in electric vehicles and battery storage” as additional drains on the grid.
What we have arriving, too soon no matter when, is a convergence of an expansion of EVs with what amounts to a powering down of electricity production due to that “mismatch” of resource retirements.
EVs are of course must-haves in California, and we don’t mean that in a consumer-demand sort of way. The peacock governor, with the support of the unelected members of the state Air Resources Board, has dictated that all new cars and light trucks sold in California starting in 2035 must be zero-emissions vehicles, or ZEVs, (
which don’t exist).
That’s about 12.5 million battery-operated automobiles sucking power from the grid, 15 times more than there are today. A year later, all sales of new medium- and heavy-duty trucks will have to be ZEVs, too, which narrows the options down to plug-in EVs and essentially nothing else.
While California roads are filling up with EVs, the state is transitioning to a fully emissions-free grid by 2045. And, no, that won’t include nuclear power, unless the politics of California change quickly. Consumers will have to get along with electricity that is powered by the sun and wind … and not much else.
Meanwhile, Gov. Murphy wants all new car sales in New Jersey to be EVs by 2035. That’s another 4.5 million millstones pulling down the grid. Did we mention that the state is also targeting 2035 as a deadline for the economy to be running on 100% clean energy? We should, since it’s significant – and foolish.
Because other blue states are in thrall with California’s progressive agenda the way teenage girls were smitten by Paul McCartney’s hair in 1965, they’re ready to follow the Golden State into a new Stone Age of power shortages. Both Oregon and Washington have already committed their residents to dark days caused by EV mandates, while several other states are likely to adopt ZEV programs in the near future.
So we say it again: EVs are evil. The climate zealots will continue to ignore salient facts about them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Will the rush to force us all into EVs strain the power grid past its breaking point?