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Forget? How can we.

I guess you didn’t get what I was saying. All the violence and hate we have going on is because 2 generations grew up or were born into it. Things haven’t always been easy, but look at all the terrorist attacks and the rise of school shootings in the 90s, and the tragedy that happened on this day. We can’t forget because we don’t know anything else. We’ve become so use to it, it just doesn’t phase us anymore sadly. The only thing we’ve forgotten is the days after, when we put aside our labels and differences and stood as one.
Race horses and plow horses both wear blinders so they can't look back. We muster forwards, never forgetting, but living for today. We still stand together, you've got all these old guys here and never forget, you're not alone. This sh** party belongs to all of us.
American 9-11 Fire Fighter 384 died -we never forget-.jpg

RIP all effected by this Hannis/Despicable attack, some still affected & dying
more have died from the cleanup & search for life or remains,
many more firefighters & 1st responders,
than the actual attack now too, let alone citizen that were affected by the dust/debris

someone needs to be held accountable & pay/reparations
I think we all know who... or the twenty year war after

I 100% support our men/women in uniform,
just following orders
& the 'debacle/botched exit, pulling out 20 years later'
the disaster leave $100s billions in armament/weapons/equipment behind

not so much respect to the Commander in Chief/s
American 9-11 We Remember military formation.jpg
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The only thing we’ve forgotten is the days after, when we put aside our labels and differences and stood as one.
You post a nice message, thank you. My take is a time when ALL Americans took a moment to stand together, ALL the other ‘stuff’ was secondary for a moment. Being just one generation removed from WWII, and all the stories I heard from my folks, their relatives, friends about what that was like, always amazed me. The company I was once employed with, had stacks of photos of their contribution to the war effort. They were in a forgotten file cabinet in the shop office I had, blew me away seeing the photos of their machinery building for the war-effort, in the building that still largely resembled what it was at the time. Longer story, regretted not taking them when I left, but heard later they were eventually donated to a local museum. Nice, they were preserved for future gens to view them and not trashed. Not sure, I might have one or two in my stacks of old photos.

As the gens become farther removed, for those of us boomers, who got to hear firsthand from their parents what it was like, the dilution over the decades does give me some concern..
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