Hey! I have a 66 Charger that the previous owner installed a piratejack conversion kit in. So it has a Chevy style booster and master. The braking has never been good and I lost the pedal a couple of times. I have replaced the following over the course of a year trying to troubleshoot this garbage.
I have replaced the hoses, calipers, rotors, prop valve and recently the master. I also bought the booster but I haven't installed it yet. The master and booster I re-purchased from Piratejack to try and keep things simple. Right now the issue is after driving about 5 miles the front brakes start to hang. I come home jack up the car and I cannot turn the front wheels by hand. If I release the bleeder a little fluid pops out and both brakes release and I can spin the rotors. Drive it again bring it home fronts still wont spin by hand. Crack the line at the master and both calipers release. Drive it again issue repeats and this time I unbolt the master from the booster and yes the calipers release. Drove it one last time and lifted it and still could not spin the tires by hand...left it set for like an hour and half and low and behold they released on their own... I would believe at this point the pin in the booster needs to be adjusted. I used the booster/master tool to set the pin but the its 1/8 inch or less high off the booster and I would think it would push the piston in a bit on the master. A cannot move the pin in any further and it is not removeable to make any modifications to it. If I try to set the pin on the new booster I didn't install yet the pin on that is too high as well.. What controls the pin? This version of the issue is new since replacing the master 2 weeks ago. Other than junking the whole system and start over what am I missing? I've bled 8qt's of DOT3 through the whole system using a pressure bleeder.
I have replaced the hoses, calipers, rotors, prop valve and recently the master. I also bought the booster but I haven't installed it yet. The master and booster I re-purchased from Piratejack to try and keep things simple. Right now the issue is after driving about 5 miles the front brakes start to hang. I come home jack up the car and I cannot turn the front wheels by hand. If I release the bleeder a little fluid pops out and both brakes release and I can spin the rotors. Drive it again bring it home fronts still wont spin by hand. Crack the line at the master and both calipers release. Drive it again issue repeats and this time I unbolt the master from the booster and yes the calipers release. Drove it one last time and lifted it and still could not spin the tires by hand...left it set for like an hour and half and low and behold they released on their own... I would believe at this point the pin in the booster needs to be adjusted. I used the booster/master tool to set the pin but the its 1/8 inch or less high off the booster and I would think it would push the piston in a bit on the master. A cannot move the pin in any further and it is not removeable to make any modifications to it. If I try to set the pin on the new booster I didn't install yet the pin on that is too high as well.. What controls the pin? This version of the issue is new since replacing the master 2 weeks ago. Other than junking the whole system and start over what am I missing? I've bled 8qt's of DOT3 through the whole system using a pressure bleeder.
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