agreed. to build a car like this coronet,takes cubic dollars. to buy the parts,to do the work,to correctly restore and assemble it. the work you have done is stellar. if i had the extra money like that,i would own it,but,unfortunately i don't. if i had that kind of coin,i would have a superbird in my garage.
that said..... people who are not "fellow" mopar enthusiasts,just don't get it.
any chevy loving moron,that picks up a mopar,even a rust-bucket,POS turd,rattle-cans the underhood black like all the chevies they have owned,spends a few bucks on said rust-bucket POS,and then thinks that it is worth a fortune (you know,trying to get $7K out of a $3K car on it's best day)will never understand the cars we love,and the lengths we go to.
i am not a rich man,i have worked for every dollar i have spent on my cars and parts in the 20+ years i have owned/enjoyed/worked on mopars.
i appreciate the level you have went to with that coronet gene. good luck with the sale. as i stated before,it could be worse,you could be upset with the world,because you have a rust-bucket,POS,318 powered (i'm sorry,"built/hot-rodded" 318,lol) coronet for sale for WAY more than it's worth.