While it’s running it bounces around so putting a regulator on it to 6 pounds should fix it?You need it regulated to 5# for a Edelbrock (or whatever the instructions recommend)
I know the Edelbrock carbs can't stand much pressure. 4-6# is enough.While it’s running it bounces around so putting a regulator on it to 6 pounds should fix it?
Been there. A buddy had over pressure issues with his mechanical and went to Car Quest (on a Sunday) and bought the "low performance" application pump. He got 12# out of that. Crap parts now days.What STOCK mechanical fuel pump puts out 12-13 PSI ?
Been there. A buddy had over pressure issues with his mechanical and went to Car Quest (on a Sunday) and bought the "low performance" application pump. He got 12# out of that. Crap parts now days.
Yeah and when you put it in gear it loads up and stalls!If it's dumping too much fuel, she'll be loading up and blowing smoke out the pipes. Is it?
Yeah and when you put it in gear it loads up and stalls!
Yeah I have to put it to the floor to get it to startThen is it hard to start again?
Yeah I have to put it to the floor to get it to start
Ok and just have to take the top off and make sure there set right. Just have to make sure the meter rods are out when putting it back together!OK, just making sure what it's doing.
Need to get the fuel pressure down a bit. 5 lb. normally is what's recommended. Researching regulators awhile back it seems like there isn't any good ones unless you spend good money.
I would try another fuel pump for a lot less money than what a good regulator would cost.
And a side note...Edelbrock carbs are known for improper float settings from the factory. That's one thing that will cause flooding while it's running.
I was gonna get a Holley one there around 40$ and try it!So those Chrome mr. Gasket fuel pressure regulators with the big dial on them for like 15 bucks at O'Reilly are junk?
So those Chrome mr. Gasket fuel pressure regulators with the big dial on them for like 15 bucks at O'Reilly are junk?
I did look at it ,thank you, great linkSee the thread I posted in post #10. I was going the regulator route before I found out it was the fuel pump that was out of wack. Reading up on all the regulators out there, their reviews were mostly negative on the cheaper ones. The one you mentioned was one of the worst IIRC. Lol