rsd859, I'm truly sorry to hear you're going thru this type stuff... I know quite a few, including some of my own family that are multiple time divorcées, I give my Pop's crap about being a 3 time loser...LOL.., 2 of my sisters too... I lost my kids mother a long time ago now, after my youngest girl was born {never been thru a divorce myself, but seen enough of them}, I know what it's like to raise kids on your own, especially girls & it ain't easy, I won't blow smoke up your skirt... I'm also from a divorced/dysfunctional family too, my parents split up when I was 18 months old, they all got along pretty damn well all things considering... I had several step mothers {Pop's 3 time loser} & a great step father, my beloved ol' Pops, was basically just a sperm donor until I was in my teens... I hope you get all you want in regards to your children & can spend as much time as you can with them... I hope all goes well for you too... Keep your head up, it's probably all for the best, I'm glad to see you got to keep your cars too... Welcome back to FBBO