Well-Known Member
Whoops, this thread done gone political! Time to start another one about the 400 cars for sale for 1.6 mil... 
I disagree 100%..... stealing comes in all forms.. tax cuts are initiated by both parties but the big difference is one of them does it for the lesser population the other the good of the people. And I was a republican for over 20 yrs so again you are wrong. I see one group as wanting to control and the other as well not really wanting anything and kind of disorganized but at least I dont see evil intent. Simple as that. Neither of them seem to help but at least one tries to help most of the population while the other only cares about a very small specific part of the population. Yes simple greed is the reason. Then you have simple economics which the republicans demonstrated for us for the past 8 years previous to this administration.... Took care of themselves and ran the country into the ground so it could be sold off...
Yes I have seen enough of it and no thank you we dont need it.
I live in Oregon now I am from New Hampshire... before it went deomocrat..LOL
live free or die ... But I've learned that having compassion for your fellow man isnt a crime or sin or bad at all amd trying to control people for your own benefit isnt a good way to live
Call me crazy but I dont believe in stomping on others